ASLI Fellows in AY 2009/10

ASLI is delighted to welcome the following ASLI Fellows
(Click on their names or pictures for more details)

Semester One

Jamin Ginting
Universitas Pelita Harapan

Seminar : Legal Aspect of United Nation Against Corruption 2003 (UNCAC 2003) to Support Asset Recovery Effort in Indonesia

Florin T. Hilbay
University of the Philippines

Seminar on Individualism as Mood : Printing & The Rise of Liberty as a Rhetorical Form

Liang Genlin
Peking University

Seminar : A Review of the Crime of Bribery in China - Interpretation, Loopholes and Complementarity

Grace Xavier
University of Malaya

Seminar on Evolution of Arbitration as a Legal Institution & the Role & Powers of the Court – The Malaysian Perspective

Semester Two

Johnny Chang Kuan-Chun
National Chengchi University

Seminar : Commentaries on the Recent Amendment of the Insurance Law of The People’s Republic of China – from the Perspective of Comparative Law

Siti Zubaidah Ismail
University of Malaya

Seminar : Vice or Vice Versa? The Legal Dimension of Khalwat Offence in Malaysia

Natalia Yeti Puspita
Atma Jaya Catholic University

Seminar : Legal Analysis on Human Rights Protection in Times of Natural Disasters and Its Implementation in Indonesia

Han Sang-hee
Kyushu University

Seminar : The Acceptance of European Law of Nations in East Asia in the 19th Century - What is the rest of the story?

Puja Kapai Paryani
University of Hong Kong

Seminar : Building Inclusive and Just Societies: the Role of Deliberative Theory and Substantive Equality

Nguyen Quang Tuyen
Hanoi Law University

Seminar : A study on Singapore land law in comparison with Vietnamese Land law - Lessons for Vietnam to improve the Land Law system

Zhang Lihong
East China University of Political Science and Law

Seminar : Legal Protection of Privacy in China: How the Chinese Law in Action Actually Works?