Course Listing

Company Law (C)
Last Updated Date:   20 June 2024

8 Units,  Semester 1

Course Description:
This course introduces the main principles governing the operation of companies. Students are to appreciate, inter alia, the rules governing the incorporation of companies, how this corporate personality operates, how this business vehicle fits in with the broader framework of the outside world, questions of funding and what comprises good corporate governance. Topics include the following: incorporation; relations between the company and the outside world, including ultra vires and agency; relations within the company, including the effect of the memorandum and articles, member's rights, director's duties, and enforcement of corporate rights; corporate finance; corporate insolvency and winding up.

Course Convenor: Dr Kenneth Khoo

Co-teacher(s): NA

Course Codes: LC2008C

Contact Hours: Two, 3 hr Seminars

Workload: 6 hours

Mode of Assessment: Class Participation - 20% & Final Exam - 80%

Preclusions: Not open to DDP students who have taken ACC3604 Corporate & Securities Law.

Prerequisites: LC1003 Law of Contract

Co-req: LC1004 Law of Torts & LC1001 Criminal Law

Examination Date: Tuesday, 26 November 2024 (AM)

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