Course Listing

Singapore Common Law of Contract
Last Updated Date:   28 June 2024

4 Units,  Semester 1

Course Description:
The Singapore legal system resides in the common law family but has its own history and development. This course introduces civil law lawyers to the methodology and reasoning used in the common law in Singapore - using the lens of contract law, a part of private obligations relevant to commercial transactions as well as daily life. By exploring introductory-level aspects of contract law, such as formation and the creation of rights and obligations, interpretation, breach, and remedies, the course also examines how policy concerns of certainty and fairness, as well as aspects of common law, shape outcomes and legal rules.

Course Convenor: A/P Helena Whalen-Bridge

Co-teacher(s): NA

Course Codes: LC5337S

Contact Hours: 3 hour weekly seminar

Workload: Week 1-6: Two, 3 hours each weekly seminars

Mode of Assessment: Class Participation - 25%; 6-hr Take Home Exam - 75% [Release: Wed, 9 Oct 2024 (3pm); Due: Wed, 9 Oct 2024 (9pm)]

Preclusions: Study of any portion of contract law from a common law country, in the student's university or any other venue, and/or work experience in the common law, which will then be evaluated by Convenor and Vice Dean (Academic Affairs). Please refer to the Module Registration Information and provide the details for evaluation as stated in Point 9 General Preclusions.

Prerequisites: NUS Compulsory Core Law Curriculum or common law equivalent.

Examination Date: Different Mode of Examination

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