Course Listing

Law of Torts
Last Updated Date:   5 August 2024

8 Units,  Semester 1

Course Description:
This is a foundational course introducing basic concepts in the law of torts, which deals with the rights and obligations of private parties arising out of civil wrongs. After a consideration of the history of tort law, the course will turn to consider in detail the modern tort of negligence and related topics such as private nuisance. It will cover the intentional torts to the person and vicarious liability. The course concludes with a brief examination of remedies.

Course Convenor: A/P Tracey Evans Chan

Co-teacher(s): Prof A Kumaralimgan; A/P Ardavan Arzandeh; A/P Jolene Lin; Mr Justin Jerzy Tan; Ms Seah Ying Ying

Course Codes: LCJ5004

Contact Hours: Two 2 hr lectures + One 2-hr tutorial

Workload: 6 hours

Mode of Assessment: Class Participation - 20% & Final Exam {Closed-Book} - 80%

Preclusions: Nil

Prerequisites: Nil

Examination Date: Monday, 25 November 2024 (PM)

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