Course Listing

Reform of Civil Procedure
Last Updated Date:   16 December 2024

5 Units,  Semester 2

Course Description:
The reform of civil procedure is topical, having regard to the recommendations of the Civil Justice Commission appointed by the Chief Justice and the new Rules of Court 2021. This course takes the student through some key processes in civil procedure. The approach is more conceptual than a traditional rules-based civil procedure course. We will examine the rules, extract the relevant principles and concepts, and explore their strengths and reach. We will reflect on the goals of civil procedure and values of the system, and adopting a reform perspective, ask whether we can design the ideal or better civil litigation system.

Course Outline
Week 1 - Introduction and general considerations in reforming procedure

Week 2 - Designing the ideal civil litigation system from scratch, including considering procedural values and implementation using my Design Thinking Legal Method, and work of the Civil Justice Commission

Week 3 - Originating Processes, Pleadings, Affidavits and Court Forms

Week 4 - Summary Adjudication Procedures- Summary Judgment and Striking Out

Week 5 - Setting Aside Default Judgments and Security for Costs

Week 6 - Production including E-discovery

Week 7 - Stocktake of the course and discussion on undertaking and designing reforms

Week 8 - Case management: Active Case Management, Case Conferences, the Single Application Pending Trial, Summons for Directions, Pre-Case Conference Questionnaire and related Forms

Week 9 - Injunctions and Search Orders

Week 10 - Costs - “who pays to whom and how much”

Week 11 - Reflections on the goals of civil procedure, trial or non-trial dispute resolution; and objectives of specific procedures and processes

Week 12 - Final consultation, sharing, presentations and discussion on examinations

Week 13 - Preparation for written examination

Course Convenor: Adjunct Prof Foo Chee Hock, S.C.

Co-teacher(s): NA

Course Codes: LL4011V / LL5011V / LL6011V / LLJ5011V

Contact Hours: 3-hr weekly seminar

Workload: 3 hours

Mode of Assessment: Class Participation - 20% & Final Written Examination - 80%

Preclusions: Not open to students:
who are, or have been, legal practitioners or who have worked professionally in any legal field;
who have done the course, "Civil Justice & Process".

Prerequisites: NUS Compulsory Core Law Curriculum or common law equivalent.
For Exchange/Graduate students: Students must have studied all the core subjects in a Common Law curriculum.

Examination Date: Wednesday, 30 April 2025 (AM)

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