Course Listing

International Law and Asia
Last Updated Date:   24 June 2024

5 Units,  Semester 2

Course Description:
How does a rising Asia relate to the international community and international law? The region's rich diversity of states and societies challenges assumptions of universality and also affects cooperation between states on issues such as human rights violations, environmental harm and the facilitation of freer trade. Changes in the international order also impact Asia, especially increasing Sino-American conflict and many of these changes may accelerate in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and the situation in the Ukraine. The seminar will discuss key issues of law and legal approaches in Asia, such as sovereignty, as well as provide for presentations by students on identified research subjects. The focus for assessment in the seminar is on an individual research paper on a topic the student will identify.

Course Convenor: A/P Tay Seong Chee, Simon

Co-teacher(s): NA

Course Codes: LL4109V / LL5109V / LL6109V / LLJ5109V

Contact Hours: 3-hr weekly seminar

Workload: 3 hrs

Mode of Assessment: Class Participation - 15%; Short Paper and Presentation (video recording) - 30% & Final Research Assignment - 55% [Due: Mon, 14 April 2025 (6pm)]

Preclusions: Nil

Prerequisites: NUS Compulsory Core Law Curriculum or common law equivalent.
Public International Law LL4050/LL5050/LL6050/LC5050; LL4050V/LL5050V/LL6050V/LC5050V or other International Law subjects, except with the express permission of the instructor.

Examination Date: Different Mode of Examination

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