Course Listing
International Arbitration & Dispute Resolution Research
Last Updated Date: 15 July 2024
5 Units, Semester 1
Course Description:
This course provides students enrolled in the LLM (IADR) degree with the opportunity to do a substantial research paper not exceeding 10,000 words under the direct supervision of a member of the academic staff. Students may not do a directed research on topics that they have studied in other courses or have previously done research assignments on. Students interested in doing the Directed Research are advised to seek the provisional approval of their proposed supervisor.
Please submit the completed form to during the course registration period, in the semester the UROP/DR is registered in. (Semester 2 applicants are encouraged to decide early and to consult the supervisor before the December vacation; and if possible, to submit this Form by the end of December.)
Course Convenor: Supervision by Law Professors
Co-teacher(s): -
Course Codes: LL5397V
Contact Hours: No formal contact hours
Workload: -
Mode of Assessment: 100% Directed Research - The word limit shall not exceed 10,000 words (excluding Footnotes, appendices, bibliography, maps, charts, statistical tables, graphs and illustration). This is a strict word limit.
Preclusions: Nil
Prerequisites: NUS Compulsory Core Law Curriculum or common law equivalent.
Co-requisite: LC5262V/LL4029V/LL5029V/LL6029V International Commercial Arbitration
LC5285V/LL4285V/LL5285V/LL6285V International Dispute Settlement
Examination Date: Different Mode of Examination
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