Feature Chulalongkorn University hosts the 21st Annual Asian Law Institute Conference Chulalongkorn University’s Faculty of Law (Law Chula) hosted the 21st Annual Asian Law Institute (ASLI) Conference from 29 to 30 May 2024.Organised annually by ASLI, the conference provides a platform for legal academics and scholars from Asia and elsewhere around the world to present their research and examine contemporary legal issues of interest to Asian jurisdictions. The theme for the conference was “The Future of Law, The Future of Asia”. The opening ceremony was held on 29 May 2024 at the campus of Law Chula. The Dean of Law Chula, Assistant Professor Dr Pareena Srivanit, opened the conference by warmly welcoming conference delegates from all over the world (including Asia, Australasia, Europe, North America and South America) to Bangkok and to Law Chula’s campus. This was followed by speeches from Professor Ryuji Yamamoto, Dean, Graduate Schools for Law and Politics at the University of Tokyo and the Chairperson of ASLI Board of Governors for 2024, and Associate Professor Kelry Loi, Co-Director of ASLI. Gracing the occasion as the Guest-of-Honour was the Hon Chief Justice Mdm Anocha Chevitsophon, President of the Supreme Court of Thailand. The keynote welcome speech was delivered by His Excellency Professor Dr.Surakiart Sathirathai, Chairman of the Asian Peace and Reconciliation Council (APRC), Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs. The two-day conference strengthened ties between scholars, from within or outside Asia, who are interested in researching or teaching Asian law. The event presented a wonderful opportunity to discuss ideas on law and law reform in Asia: it provided a forum for outstanding scholarship and demonstrated the collective commitment to advancing knowledge and ideas about law and justice in the diverse and fascinating region. As usual, the programme this year reflected a large range of topics and approaches to law, reflecting the strength and diversity of the member institutions of ASLI. More than 260 legal scholars from leading universities around the world attended the conference, with 180 paper presentations organized into 29 specialist panels on subject areas including Banking and Finance, Human Rights, Criminal Law, Corporate Law and Governance. After two full days of papers and presentations, the conference came to a close in the evening of 30 May 2024. Professor Vitit Muntarbhorn, Professor Emeritus of Law Chula, delivered the closing keynote lecture on “Future of Law, Future of Asia: Navigating Asia’s Trajectory, Choreographing Asia’s Destiny”. This was followed by a presentation on the 22nd Annual ASLI Conference 2025 by Professor Wu Qiaofang (Dean of the International School & Director of International Exchange Office) of the East China University of Political Science and Law (ECUPL). This was followed by closing remarks from Assistant Professor Dr Pareena Srivanit (Dean, Law Chula) and Associate Professor Kelry Loi (Co-Director, ASLI). Following ASLI’s tradition, the handover of the BOG (Board of Governors) Chair was carried out in a simple ceremony, with Dean Pareena (Law Chula) incoming Chairperson of the ASLI BOG for 2025, taking over the Chair from the current Chairperson from the University of Tokyo (represented by Professor Masami Okino). The 22nd ASLI Annual Conference 2025 will be hosted by the ECUPL in Shanghai, China, on 28 and 29 May 2025, with the theme “Discourses of Rule of Law: Asia's Narrative”. ASLI Opening Ceremony Link to be updated ASLI Closing Ceremony Link to be updated |